Minggu, 28 Agustus 2011

type of Murai batu Indonesia and how to choose a good - Murai Batu

The types of rock thrush, known in Indonesia are as follows

- MB medan
- MB Aceh
- MB Nias
- MB Jambi
- MB Lampung
- MB Borneo
- MB palangkaraya
- MB jawa

how to distinguish between the MB and MB males females were: male hair color is more shiny than females MB. male tail is longer than females, except that the song is more varied MB ram.

How to choose a material good humming bird stone
- Choose a bright-eyed magpie stones and healthy.
- Tail tight and not too thick, because a good tail will give a good style at the contest.
- If no then choose a MB that has a yellowish color, due to the magpie stone with a color like that will quickly read.
- Select MB with the mental courage
- You can choose magpie that has half the width of stems, thick, big and long. Half of the bottom should be straight. Do not choose material that has a beak bent magpie. The position of the nostrils choose as close to the eye position.
- Pilihlkah magpie form of stone has a head box, large round eyes and staring, this signifies a magpie has a good combat abilities. Choose materials that berpostur being with long neck, body and tail and feet to match. Do not choose material necked and short bodied.
- Lively and huge appetite, this is because if the bird has a hobby of eating, then he will always be healthy.
- Has a long tail that matched the size of the body, other than that, choose the form of a slightly flexible tail.
- Neck long and contains dense. it indicates that this bird has a very loud noise power.

maintenance pet birds when we go out of town

if you want to travel far, and then Confused leave birds in a long time? of course you 're thinking how to leave the bird while you travel. Basically, the birds are dead, sick and very risky if the lack of feed and water, dirty water will result in any course that is not good for the health of birds.

basically domestic birds can not be left to linger for many risks. be it in matters of feeding, cleaning cages and likely to be disturbed rats, cats, lizards, geckos and others. then how do I fix this?

you can leave him to the friends who you believe, of course you must also provide the cost for care during your stay.

but if it is forced to leave the bird without a care, then make sure that the drinking water container you use is a container of drinking water to a minimum to prevent the possibility of intruding bird droppings and at the same time the water is not easily contaminated. Such containers are sold at bird markets. maybe some of hers was like the photo below :

Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011

Characteristics of Good Canary

canary is a bird is chirping birds that have a body with little texture. This bird has a sound that is very interesting and very unique. different from other birds chirping. canary has a variety of colors: such as, yellow, dark green, red, orange, white.


This bird has a very easy maintenance, you only need to clean the cage regularly, can be done once every 2-3 days. other than that you just have to hang canary in the morning, you can do at 8-10 am while for this bird food you only need / provide millet, other than that of vegetables are also very well done at least once a week.

canaries are also very often to dikonteskan, while for seeds you can train him champion of the small.

Physical characteristics of the potential size of walnuts

* big head, shaped a little box and not conical, indicating good mental mental
* Neck and thick part indicates the volume loud
* Body size and sleek long as it can be considered for respiratory bird

Selasa, 10 Mei 2011

drop restore mental kacer birds

Recently, I got the information from friends about how to restore mental kacer birds that drop:
kacer quarantined first in a long time, approximately 1-2 months, how to feed is still as usual. after you perform quarantine, then you have to do is do the treatment as usual, washing, drying and provide a healthy diet for the bird. after that you can try it with bird kacer your friend 's. kacer birds owned  you most likely  already have a good mentality.

Minggu, 24 April 2011



Kacer Bird is one of the bird race that has cool style, besides his voice is very fascinating. Caring for birds Kacer very easy and fun.

There are some important things that must be considered in selecting the birds Kacer male :
1. Kacer traits male birds can be seen the black coat color and contrast strongly shiny.
2. The part that stems have wide, thick, big and long. Part bottom should be straight. Do not choose a bird     that has a hooked beak. The position of the nostrils select close as possible to the position of the eye.
3. Bird's head shaped boxes, and large round eyes, and glared, because it indicates that the bird has a mental or brave steel
4. body posture in the selection, choose a medium-sized bird / not great, with a long neck, body and tail and feet to match. Do not choose material that necked and short bodied.
5. While in the wings and legs tucked tightly gripping strength, it indicates the bird is healthy. Choose the big bird legs and looks dry. The color of the feet does not affect the mental birds.
6. Agile and have a big appetite. because this is the material characteristics of a mentally well.
Long neck contains solid. Indicate this bird will issue a maximum sound power.

Voer (preferably selected that have a protein content of the medium, namely: 12% -18%, not necessarily high-priced Voer that will fit every bird Kacer metabolic system. Voer should always be available in the food, always replace it with food (Voer) which only once every two days.
EF (Extra Fooding), additional food is very good for bird Kacer are: Crickets, Orong-orong, Kroto, Worms, Worm Hong Kong, Bamboo caterpillars, centipedes, grasshoppers and others.